Can Tho specialties

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Crab soup and knocking rice noodle for a full belly in the afternoon wandering in Can Tho
Date: 04/01/2016

Visiting the area called “white rice and pure water”, you should not forget to taste the crab soup and ‘knocking’ rice noodle.
Crab soup is one favorite dish for most people in the afternoon. Photo: Dong Diep Huyen

Walking around peaceful streets in Can Tho, tourists usually stop by small attractive restaurants.

Crab soup

You can easily find the crab soup trolleys along Hoa Binh Boulevard, Ninh Kieu wharf or some restaurants on De Tham Street.

A bowl of hot crab soup includes fresh crab meat, egg, chicken or quail eggs. To make delicious crab soup, one must take stewed pork meat juice from pig bones. The bones are cooked with water to be clean and have fragrant and sweet taste.

The pork bone is quickly boiled and then stewed for pure, tasty and sweet juice.

A bowl of crab soup should be thick and mixed with other ingredients such as meat, quail eggs, and corn seeds. All ingredients create a bowl of sweet soup to attract customers. A hot soup bowl is also dotted with some coriander.

Customers can order the soup and eat right away or order it in a plastic cup and take it away. It costs about 10.000-15.000 dongs.

‘Knocking’ Rice Noodle

On many streets in Can Tho, there are also some trolleys selling knocking rice noodle. These movable food stalls are often crowded in the afternoon or in the evening.

Knocking rice noodle is a familiar dish for people in the Central and the South. Photo: Khanh Hoa

Rice noodle is clear, smooth, and tough. It is made from the juice of stewed pork bones and added with fresh shrimps or slices of meat on the top. It is served together with bean sprout and fresh garlic chive.

It is so simple that tourists can be attracted when they walk around in the afternoon. The price for each bowl of rice noodle is about 15.000 - 20.000 dongs. You can enjoy this rice noodle on many streets in Can Tho City especially on Tran Van Hoai Street or Cach Mang Thang Tam Street.

Source: VnExpress - Translated by Phuong Quyen

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