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A day on the island of ancient houses in Tan Loc islet - Can Tho
Date: 28/07/2021

Taking the ferry from Thot Not as a starting point, you will discover the island of Tan Loc, known as a sweet island, once famous for making cane sugar. On the map, the island looks like a grain of rice, surrounded by the alluvial Hau river, with fruit orchards and gardens of green coconut palms. In particular, here are concentrated old houses dating back hundreds of years, preserved intact for generations. The small country road connecting the places of the island will take you back in time to discover the houses with wooden slatted doors, interspersed with palm-leaf walls, paved with period glazed tiles ...

Your first stop is the ancient house of Tran Ba The, which is the residence of 7 generations of Mr. Pham Van Huan, a courtier of King Gia Long when he moved to the South. Mr. Pham Van Huan was the first to stop and explore this land. The current house follows French and Vietnamese fusion in architectural style. In particular, the interior is completely used in wood, the wooden ceiling is painted with gentle and delicate patterns, in harmony with the typical architectural style of Vietnam with the precious and luxurious set of hand-carved furniture. Within the 3-hectare area of the house, you can also go fishing, visit the orchard, and the front yard to enjoy the panoramic view of the old space of the ancient house.

Tan Loc Island is blessed by nature for being deep in ancient alluvial soil, so the orchards are extremely green which yield truly organic and delicious fruit that is edible right from the harvest. The first orchard to mention is the Taiwan Guava Garden at Ms. Chin Diep's. You can taste its delicious golden guavas on site. Ripe guava is tender, delicately sweet, with a supple heart and a characteristic fragrance. While visiting the orchard, you have the opportunity to discover the plantation, and with a bowl of chili salt in hand, consume the ripe guavas, which will make you want to have unforgettable photos. If you want to find the taste of these orchards at home, the seedlings prepared by the owner are always available. At lunch, in a green space refreshed by the good wind coming from the Hau river, tasting simple dishes from the countryside, you will appreciate more the typical culinary culture of the old South-West.

On the islet, there is also a garden of ripe red rambutans in high season. It is very enjoyable when you can enjoy the sweet and crunchy taste of rambutans while listening to authentic Southern folk music that can not be found anywhere else.

In addition, you can also drop by the floating raft village on the river. You will have the opportunity to participate in exciting activities such as swimming in the river, catching “chan chan” (mussel), enjoying the unique, delicious dish called “bung bung chan chan” (grilled mussels with scallion oil garnish), and watching the sunset on the romantic and charming Hau River. This is also an opportunity for you to experience the feeling of taking a small wooden boat ride in the green coconut forest.

For detailed travel itinerary, visit or fanpage

The visit itinerary is exclusive to the TST tourist, in connection with the district of Thot Not, Can Tho for its realization.

For any reservation, please contact: TST tourist - 10 Tu Xuong, P7, Q3,

TP.HCM. Tel: +84 (028) 39 328 328. Hotline: +84 909 026 118 or +84 838997999 or +84 909026116 for tourist groups.

Source: - Translated by Hoang Dat

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