Can Tho specialties

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Can Tho Simple Folk Cakes
Date: 31/12/2015

Can Tho is famous for different delicious cakes, especially folk cakes. With these cakes, the bakers usually make them manually, traditionally and skillfully.
Folk cakes at Mr. Chin Chieu’s bakery

The family of Mr. Duong Hoang Trung and Mrs. Truong Thi Chieu (with the nickname as Chin Chieu) at the alley of 556, Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, Ninh Kieu District is well-known for longtime experienced folk bakers. With the experiences of more than 30 years, everyday this family makes over a dozen of cakes (salty, sweet): worm silk cakes, naked small stuffed glutinous rice flour balls, steamed banana cakes, steamed rice cakes, small steamed savory rice cakes wrapped steamed rice cakes, worm rice cakes,… The ingredients of these cakes are from rice and sticky rice. There are many steps to make these cakes such as soaking, grinding, mixing power with warm water, kneading, shaping ... Unlike many bakers simplifying the process of making cakes with homemade machinery equipment, Mr. Chin’s family still remains making these cakes manually and traditionally. With worm silk cakes, instead of using a pressing machine, the couple will shape worm silk by hands. Despite with the intensive effort, Uncle Hoang Trung mentioned that was a right way to make this kind of cake, and the baker leave all of his heart into the cake. At Mr. Chin Chieu’s bakery, there are many kinds of cakes which not all people can make such as worm cakes shaped manually. As a result, many people like Mr. Chin Chieu’s bakery thanks to his natural and simple cakes.

To have delicious cakes, Mr. Chin Chieu’s family must get up at 2.00 in the morning to finish the cake delivery at the markets like Binh Thuy market, An Thoi market, and other restaurants or hotels in the city. Besides, his family also sells cakes on food stalls along Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, every day in the morning from 6 am to 9.30 am, and in the afternoon from 13.30 pm to 15.00 pm). The price of these cakes is from 5.000-15.000 dongs for each.

Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Phuong Quyen

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