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Some interesting half-day tours in the city of Can Tho
Date: 07/01/2021

If you have the opportunity to visit the beautiful land of Tay Do (Western Capital - the city of Can Tho) but you do not have much time, only half a day, where would you go in Can Tho? Here are some suggestions for you!

Tour 1: Cai Rang Floating Market - Fruit Garden - Ong Pagoda - Fresco street

* Time: half a day

* Transportation: Boat, Car

* Tour description:

06h00: Gather at Ninh Kieu Wharf, buy tickets for visiting Cai Rang floating market, and for a boat excursion on Can Tho river.

06h30 - 7:30: Depart from Ninh Kieu Wharf to visit Cai Rang Floating Market - the busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta. Cai Rang Floating Market Culture is a national intangible cultural heritage.

07h30 - 09h30: Travel to Phong Dien district to visit some orchards and enjoy delicious fruits. (My Khanh, 9 Hong, Vam Xang, ...)

09h30 - 11h00: Return to Ninh Kieu Wharf. Then visit Ong Temple or Muniransay Pagoda to learn about the most distinctive culture of two out of four ethnic groups living in the Mekong Delta.

11h00 - 11h30: Take photos at Can Tho fresco street - 800m route with many frescoes recreating the cultural beauty and customs of Can Tho in particular, the Mekong Delta in general

Tour 2: Cai Rang Floating Market - rice noodle, traditional craft village - Truc Lam Phuong Nam Zen Monastery - My Khanh Tourist Village

* Time: half a day

* Transportation: Boat

* Tour description:

06h00: Gather at Ninh Kieu Wharf, buy tickets for visiting Cai Rang floating market, and for a boat excursion on Can Tho river.

06h30 - 7:30: Depart from Ninh Kieu Wharf to visit Cai Rang Floating Market - the busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta. Cai Rang Floating Market Culture is a national intangible cultural heritage.

07h30 - 08h30: Travel to the traditional craft village of making rice noodles by boat. Here, visitors can enjoy dishes made from rice noodles, especially the “Rice noodle Pizza”. Moreover, guests can learn the process of producing handmade rice noodles by the locals.

08h30 - 09h30: Travel to Truc Lam Phuong Nam - a Buddhist Meditation Monastery with an area of nearly 4ha. Truc Lam Phuong Nam, following the Buddhist architecture of the Ly - Tran dynasty, is one of the largest pure Vietnamese monasteries in the Mekong Delta.

09:30 - 11:30: Continue the trip to visit My Khanh Tourist Village. An attractive ecotourism destination with many interesting folk games like fishing, rowing, pig racing, etc. After that, tourists can visit several Ancient Houses of the Southern region.

11h30: Tour ends.

Tour 3: Cai Rang Floating Market - Binh Thuy Ancient House - Binh Thuy Temple - Son Islet

06h00: Gather at Ninh Kieu Wharf, buy tickets for visiting Cai Rang floating market, and for a boat excursion on Can Tho river.

06h30 - 7:30: Depart from Ninh Kieu Wharf to visit Cai Rang Floating Market - the busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta. Cai Rang Floating Market Culture is a national intangible cultural heritage.

07h30 - 08h30: The next destination is Binh Thuy Temple which is the place to preserve the national cultural identity. The temple was built in 1844 to worship Thanh Hoang (the Village’s Tulelary God) of Binh Hung village. This is also a special place in the spiritual life of the locals.

08h30 - 9:30: Hop on the car to visit Binh Thuy Ancient House of the Duong family which was built in 1870 following the French architecture. The House has a high value in architectural art and is the main setting for the famous movie “The Lover” by French director JJ. Annaud and many other domestic films.

09h30 - 13h00: Guests travel to Son islet by boat and then visit Ca Be Village. Tourists continue their journey to the seasonal fruit gardens (star apple, rambutan, grapefruit, longan, guava ...). Moreover, guests can participate in making traditional Southern cakes such as Vietnamese pancakes, Vietnamese crepes, Vietnamese Cylindrical Glutinous Rice Cake, Imprint cake, and so on. Lunch will be served with local specialties at the fruit garden.

13h00: Tour ends.

Source: - Translated by Hoang Dat

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