Can Tho specialties

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Phong Dien gastronomy: Braised chicken with Burmese grapes
Date: 02/07/2021

Braised chicken is a common dish, but it becomes exceptionally special thanks to Ha Chau Burmese grapes which is the famous fruit in Phong Dien district.
Braised chicken with Burmese grapes and aromatic herbs.

Ha Chau Burmese-grape is one of the most famous specialties of Phong Dien district. The fruit can be elliptical, ovoid, or round. Ha Chau Burmese-grape looks like langsat and is borne in clusters similar to grapes. Ripe Ha Chau Burmese-grape is a delicious snack for tourists on the way to discover the “white rice with clear water” region of Can Tho city.

Ripe Ha Chau Burmese-grape has light yellow color, firm skin, and a sweet, slightly sour taste.

Ha Chau Burmese-grape produces 3 crops yearly, the main crop is in the 5th lunar month, the 2nd crop is in the 8th lunar month, and the last one is in lunar January next year. According to Mr. Nam Lien, owner of Vam Xang fruit garden, Phong Dien district, the word “Ha Chau” means the lowland, indicating the growing place of this type of fruit. Ha Chau Ha Chau Burmese-grape when ripe, the calyx still sticks to its thin skin. With the skin removed, the fruit resembles garlic cloves in appearance, with ivory white, translucent lobes and fragrant. The seeds are covered with a thick, clear-white aril that tastes sweet and sour. The cluster of Ha Chau Burmese-grape is long, each fruit has 3-4 seeds.

The people in Phong Dien meticulously often use Ha Chau Burmese-grape to create rustic yet delicious dishes and braised chicken with Burmese grapes is the representative. In order to make the dish more delicious, you must choose free-range chickens of about 1.2 kg. Chicken after being cleaned, marinated with some spices, then fried in an oil pan with sliced garlic at high heat. When the chicken is golden brown beautifully, you can shred or cut it into pieces after draining the oil.

Then, we peel fresh Burmese-grape, take out the flesh, and caramelized it with brown sugar. After that, we mix it with the chicken, season to taste, then simmer the chicken for another 10-15 minutes at low heat. Accompanying braised chicken with Burmese grapes is crispy hot bread, salt, pepper, and lemon.

Sitting under the tree, taking a piece of chicken with chopsticks and bringing it to your mouth, you will feel the chewy and sweet taste of the meat mixed with the sour and sweet taste of Ha Chau Burmese-grape. Moreover, eating the dish with a glass of cool water is enough for a rustic meal in the middle of a garden.

Source: - Translated by Hoang Dat

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