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Singing in the middle of Can Tho City
Date: 28/09/2020

Right in the center of Can Tho City gather members of Ninh Kieu District Amateur Music (Đờn ca tài tử) Club for singing songs and playing music every Thursday morning. "The fire" to warm up the club's activities is its members’ love and passion for the intangible cultural heritage _"Southerners’ hearts".
A meeting of Amateur Music Club of Ninh Kieu District.

The club's venue is the Center for Culture - Sports, and Broadcasting of Ninh Kieu District. It has 16 club members, the oldest is nearly 70 years old, the youngest one 22-23, and every meeting is full.  On the day we arrived, they are practicing the Nam (South) songs of amateur music.  Their exchanges about how to sing this tune are very exciting.  Xuân (Spring) should be sung in a solemn yet barbaric way; Ai (Lament) in a whispering and tormenting way; Ðảo (Switch) in a combination between Bắc (North) and Xuân (Spring) ...  After revising some theory, everyone starts audition.  Mr. Tran Minh Phung, vice head of the club, the oldest and the most experienced member, enthusiastically gives comments on everyone's performance.

Ignoring the urban chaos and hustle, they merge themselves in the soul of each song, connecting with one another in the amateur music.

The club has been established for a long time but has just been upgraded since the beginning of 2020.  According to Ms. Nguyen Viet Thu, head of the club, 6 out of the total 16 members are in their 30s while the rest are 50 to 60 years old.  Club activities regularly start at 8 o'clock every Thursday.  In each meeting, they choose one topic to discuss in detail such as holding breath, training style, or doing the rehearsal for the coming performance.  Their amateur music shows held by the Cultural Center of Can Tho City are to serve visitors to Can Tho City. The club members work as the nucleus of the arts and music for all wards of Ninh Kieu District. "Most of the members have taken various job transmission classes taught by talented artisans and artists such as Meritorious Artist Huynh Khai, Hoang Tan, Kim Loan ... so they have a good grasp of knowledge of amateur music,” says Ms. Viet Thu.  In addition, Meritorious Artist Truc Linh has been invited to be a professional advisor to improve the quality of club activities.

There are quite a lot of artisans, playing various musical instruments such as the frieze, the concave key-guitar, the 2-chord guitar, the two-cord fiddle ...  Thanh Tien, a 25-year-old man, is quite good at playing the 2-cord guitar and the concave key guitar. As a key club member, he is always devoted to others’ singing songs.  In return, it is also a way for him to perfect his playing musical instruments.

Interestingly, there are several couples in the club.  In fact, Ms. Nguyen Viet Thu has joined the club for a long time. After her husband, Mr. Huynh Huu Tuan, is retired, she has asked him to join the club for fun.  Then both of them have fallen in love with this music.  Mr. Huu Tuan says, "When we have free time, we both like to practice singing amateur music.  Sometimes we sing while riding our motorcycle.  It is when we have recognized how much we love this type of music.”

Another couple attached to the tunes of "Hò, Xự, Xang, Xê, Cống" is Mr. Tran Minh Phung and Ms. Le Hoang Anh.  They are from Tran Van Thoi District, Ca Mau Province; Since childhood, I have fallen in love with songs from the cradle of our family and neighbors.  Growing up, no matter what I do, I always consider amateur music as a "gut", as an endless passion.  "Singer Minh Phung" is the way people have called him for many years.  Ms. Le Hoang Anh shares with us,   "My husband is addicted to amateur music, then gradually I love it a lot.  Getting old, I have this activity as a way to have fun and entertainment. It is also good, to help me attach a lot of meanings to my life."  Other couples are Ngoc - Nhieu, Dung - Lao ...

What all the members wish to have is a regular meeting place to practice or perform amateur music in local areas, which will motivate club members to inspire others to love this music more and more.


Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Diep Truong

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