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Vietnamese Sesbania Sesban Flowers salad
Date: 21/11/2018

Coming to the Western region in floating-water season, visitors can enjoy a truly interesting rustic dish in most tourist destinations or restaurants namely Vietnamese Sesbania Sesban Flowers salad.
Vietnamese Sesbania Sesban Flowers salad at Vam Xang fruit garden, Phong Dien

The Vietnamese Sesbania Sesban Flowers salad is available in many places and has different flavors depending on the region or the chef. In Phong Dien District, Can Tho City, this dish is put into the menu as an appetizer representing the Western region’s food flavor. The salad is cooked with many country materials which can only be found in the gardens of Mekong Delta such as: Sesbania Sesban flowers, water lilies, sawah lettuce and field baby shrimp. All ingredients of the salad are only fresh and delicious in the water-floating season. That is the reason why people call this dish the specialty of the water-floating season. Moreover, to make the salad tastier, the fresh ingredients as well as the cooking method are the crucial factors to determine the quality of the salad and make it more delectable.

Field baby shrimps are cleaned, drained, seasoned a little bit and then boiled or stir-fried depending on regions. If being stir-fried, the baby shrimps will be more crispy. Salad dressing usually consists of a mixture of sugar vinegar, fish sauce and a little bit of lemon, chili. This dressing will mix with cooked baby shrimps, Sesbania Sesban flowers, vegetables, aromatic herbs, chopped fish mints, fresh sliced onions, roasted peanuts, etc. This will make the dish is more flavorful and more colorful. The brilliant golden color of Sesbania Sesban flowers combined with the pink-red color of the field baby shrimps and highlighted by the green color of cilantro make the dish more eye-catching. The sweet and sour taste of the dressing, the bittersweet and crispy of Sesbania Sesban flowers combined with the sweet and crunchy of field baby shrimps make the salad more attractive to customers.

Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Hoang Dat

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