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Tourist destinations in Cai Rang
Date: 20/09/2022

Many prominent local destinations are introduced within the framework of the Cai Rang Floating Market Cultural Tourism Festival, which takes place from July 9th to July 11th.
Tourists visit Tam Giac Mach (Buckwheat flower) Farm. Photo: Kieu Mai

Cai Rang Floating Market is a destination not to be missed when tourists come to Can Tho city because the floating market is a unique cultural feature of the Southwest region. Here, trading activities occur on the river, mainly selling and buying agricultural products. The floating market also has many other services to serve tourists such as selling drinks, breakfast on the wooden boat, etc. The market is usually bustling between 6-9 am every day. To visit the floating market, you have to travel by wooden boat. You will experience the feeling of sitting on a swaying boat, weaving through the merchant boats, while enjoying noodles, coffee, and fruit amid the bustling market scene.

Another popular destination for tourists in recent years in Cai Rang is the Purple House (99 Nguyen Chi Sinh Street, Tan Phu Ward). The Purple House has a very romantic and impressive studio, with unique purple colors from each item to the flowers and plants grown on the premises. It also recreates many cultural spaces and old ways of life, making it an ideal place to take pictures.

Another popular destination in Cai Rang for tourists traveling in groups or families with young children is Tam Giac Mach (Buckwheat flower) Farm (45 Truong Vinh Nguyen Street, Thuong Thanh Ward). Developed in the model of a farm, Tam Giac Mach Farm gives visitors a familiar Western space through miniatures, ornamental flower fences, etc. There is also a rabbit islet, where visitors can interact and play with cute rabbits. In addition, Tam Giac Mach Farm also grows many unique flowers depending on the season, such as buckwheat flowers, sunflowers, cornflowers, coriander flowers, cosmos flowers...

Bao Gia Trang Vien (268 Huynh Thi No, Thuong Thanh ward) is popular among many tourists because of its green and airy space. There are many exciting activities here, such as draining ditches to catch fish, rowing basket boats, fishing or camping, team building, and so on. It also has a restaurant with a variety of delicious dishes and a close-knit homestay in an open space with nature. When visiting Bao Gia Trang Vien, you can also try the farm tour of Bao Gia Farm Camping - another affiliate of the company not far away, to have interesting experiences in agricultural tourism.

In addition to attractive tourist destinations, Cai Rang also has many outstanding places to stay, such as Azerai Can Tho (Au islet), Can Tho Ecolodge (area 3, Ba Lang ward), etc. The common point of these resorts is that they have a beautiful green space with typical cultural experiences of the Southwest region. Here, you not only relax in a luxurious and environmentally friendly space but also have a journey to discover the unique indigenous culture with the locals, from garden spots to craft villages, cuisine, etc. Cai Rang also has many accommodation options, such as Hometravel Mekong Can Tho (Thanh My area, Thuong Thanh ward), Green Village Mekong (Phu Hung area, Phu Thu ward), Hung's Homestay (Thanh Hue area, Thuong Thanh ward)… with diverse prices and unique experiences for visitors to choose from.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat

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