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Can Tho city promote tourism cooperation with the Kingdom of Cambodia
Date: 21/07/2022

On July 19th, Mr. Duong Tan Hien, Permanent Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city, had a meeting with Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism to discuss ways to further promote bilateral cooperation in fields where both sides have strengths, especially in tourism. On the occasion, the working delegation of the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism will also host several activities to promote the tourism sector in Can Tho city with its theme “Travel to Cambodia - safe, warm and green”, which will take place in Can Tho city on July 20th.
Mr. Duong Tan Hien, Permanent Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city (right) met and worked with Mr. Thok Sokhom, Under-Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism (left).

The Cambodian working delegation was led by Under-Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism Thok Sokkhom. As for the Vietnamese part, Standing Deputy Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho City Duong Tan Hien along with leaders, officials of relevant units and agencies received the delegation.

At the reception, Mr. Thok Sokhom, Under-Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism, expressed his gratefulness for the warm hospitality of Can Tho City leaders. Besides, he also congratulated the 55th anniversary of Vietnam and Cambodia's diplomatic relations.

Under-Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism Thok Sokhom said that the meeting aimed to concretize the content of the working session between the Prime Ministers of Vietnam and Cambodia in the United States in May 2022. Accordingly, leaders of the two governments have agreed to reopen tourism activities between Vietnam and Cambodia after a long time of suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Thok Sokhom also emphasized the importance of promoting connectivity and tourism development, especially the border-gate tourism between the two countries, thereby contributing to strengthening the deep, practical and effective relationship between the two countries. He said that Vietnam is a huge and potential tourism market for Cambodia.

Furthermore, Under-Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism Thok Sokhom hoped that Can Tho city’s leaders would continue to act as a bridge to further promote tourism between Can Tho city and Cambodia; continue to support, and create favorable conditions for enterprises, and travel agencies of Cambodia to introduce and promote tourism products; help Cambodia to develop economically.

Cambodia will organize the Sea Festival event in December 2022, Mr. Thok Sokhom believed that the event will attract a large number of international tourists, especially Vietnamese tourists.

On this occasion, the working delegation of the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism will also host the “Cambodian Tourism Roadshow” within the campaign “Travel to Cambodia - safe, warm and green” in Can Tho city on July 20th.

Mr. Duong Tan Hien, Permanent Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city, thanked the delegation for extending precious time to visit the city on the occasion.

Mr. Duong Tan Hien highlighted the fruitful development of Vietnam - Cambodia relations across all fields in recent years, especially tourism cooperation, noting that Vietnam regularly ranks second in terms of the number of tourists to Cambodia. He also added that the tourism sectors between two nations are considering ways to connect the tourist port of Kampot in Cambodia with Phu Quoc in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang and other Vietnamese localities to create attractive tourism routes and products.

Through this meeting, Permanent Vice Chairman Duong Tan Hien said that the city has always created favorable conditions for local travel agencies and Cambodian enterprises to connect and promote cooperation and he also sent his best wishes for more successes to the working delegation.

Source: Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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