The dish that helps remember the land reclamation days. (26/06/2015)

Recently in Phong Dien District (Can Tho) has appeared "Bánh canh gõ gáo dừa” (literally "soup cake"_ a rich, thick Vietnamese noodle soup), which greatly excites those who are interested in Vietnamese folk cuisine.

A bowl of traditional Banh canh - Photo: Hoài Vũ

Banh canh is a popular dish which has long been present in the southern region. So far, the list of Southern folk cakes has mentioned dozens of salty and sweet Banh canh, but not of "Banh canh go", a folk cake, which was once famous, but nearly forgotten nowadays.

It is called Banh canh go because of its production process. The artist must put smooth rice dough into a perforated coconut shell and then use the stick to knock repeatedly on the shell, creating a thrust so that the dough might drop slowly into the boiling water pot below.

The female seller says that the Banh canh maker has to be very sophisticated and meticulously in each step if (s)he wishes to make a pot of perfect Banh canh.

First, it is necessary to soak rice appropriately before grinding it. Then, wrap it in a mosquito net cloth for draining. After that, mix it with a little wheat flour (you can also buy the flour at any market, but it does not taste as good as homemade one). Soak both kinds of flour in boiling water for 15 minutes. Knead it well. The dough is ready when it does not stick on your hands any more.

A pot of water is put on the stove for boiling. Next, put the dough into the coconut shell; knock it steadily for the dough to drop slowly into the pot. The length of Banh canh depends on the height of the coconut shell over the pot.

Kneading rice flour  - Photo: Hoài Vũ

Putting the dough into the coconut shell- Photo: Hoài Vũ

Knocking on the shell steadily for the dough to drop into the pot of boiling water - Photo: Hoài Vũ

At the same time, the Banh canh maker must pay attention to the soup. The good taste of Banh canh depends on the soup whose broth may be made from pork bone, pork, shrimp or squid and other seasoning.

Banh canh is put into a bowl, added some pieces of pork or shrimp and lettuce, chopped cilantro, sliced onion, scallions, pepper, chilli. Finally, the boiling broth is poured over the mixture in the bowl. The seller from Phong Dien says that she has inherited this Banh canh go from her grandmother called Ba giao Dau in Binh Thuy District.

 Although this dish requires much effort and dedication, consumes a lot of time, she thinks it is worth doing so because she loves to conserve and promote Vietnamese traditional cakes. Also, this will help introduce the cultural beauty of the Southern folk cake.

One variation from Banh canh go is the one that is cooked with shrimp, coconut juice. Another variation is the sweet Banh canh for vegetarians.

Ready Banh canh - Photo: Hoài Vũ

A Bowl of Banh canh go (cooked with coconut juice) - Photo: Hoài Vũ

Special features you can easily find in Banh canh are that it is white, clear and strong; and it has sweet fatty taste. In particular, customers can feel the heart and soul of Banh canh maker that are put in making this rustic, simple but unique dish.

Customers can enjoy a blow of steaming Banh canh. Its heat may make you sweat, yet you feel refreshed and wish to eat some more.

Source: - Translated by Ngoc Diep

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