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Leaders of Can Tho city working with the delegation of Gimcheon city - Korea
Date: 16/11/2017

On November 13 afternoon, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city, Mr. Vo Thanh Thong, had a meeting with the delegation of Gimcheon city (Korea) led by Mr. Park Bo Saeng, Mayor of Gimcheon city when they came to an exhibition in Ho Chi Minh city.
Mr. Vo Thanh Thong, Chairman of the People’s Committee talking with the Major of Gimcheon city - Korea

At the meeting, Mr. Vo Thanh Thong - Chairman of the People’s Committee informed the delegation about the cooperation between Can Tho city and Korea in recent years. Up to now, Can Tho has had 9 projects invested from Korea with a total investment of USD 247 million. In addition, the city also has an ODA project from Korea: Korea Vietnam Incubator Park Project with a total investment of USD 21.13 million, of which USD 17.7 million is non-refundable ODA from Korea.

The Chairman of the City People’s Committee hopes that the Mayor will support Can Tho city in calling for investment from Korean enterprises to the city and affirms that the city will create the best conditions for investors.

Mr. Park Bo Saeng, Mayor of Gimcheon city, said that the city would promote the cooperation between the two cities in all aspects, such as tourism, culture, agriculture and so on to make the two- side relationship more and more develop.

Leaders of Can Tho city taking photo with the delegation of Gimcheon city


Phuong Thao - Translated by Minh Loan

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