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The 50th anniversary of establishing Vietnam- Cambodia diplomatic relations
Date: 28/06/2017

On June 20th evening, at Can Tho University, a ceremony was solemnly held to mark 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties (June 24th , 1967 - June 24th , 2017). Attending the ceremony were representatives of the Southwest Steering Committee, Headquarter of the Military Zone 9, leaders of Can Tho City, representatives of the Development Agency of the Ministry of National Defense, Land force Headquarter of the Royal Cambodian Army, and the Association of Vietnamese Cambodian in Cambodia.
Ro Bam Chun Po Dance of the Cambodian Art Troupe.

At the ceremony, Mr. Truong Quang Hoai Nam, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee, recalled the ups and downs of history, people of the two countries have cooperated and helped each other for the liberation and country building. In recent years, the cooperation between the two has been more and more developed, being practical and effective in all aspects. Particularly, Can Tho City is twinned with the people of Kampong Chong and Battampang (Cambodia). The localities have had many meetings, contacts and exchanges of delegations at all levels, encouraging exchange activities among people of localities. The authorities and people of the city have always identified that the traditional friendship and community solidarity with Cambodia are important external factors.

Source: Can Tho Newspaper. Translated by Minh Loan

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