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Cai Rang Floating Market in the high water season
Date: 16/12/2014

Located on Can Tho River and 5km from the city center, Cai Rang Floating Market is the best place for tourists to visit upon their arrival to the land of Tay Do (known as the western capital).

This is one of the famous floating markets in Can Tho, specializing in trading fruits and agricultural products of the region. In the morning, hundreds of boats of all sizes anchor close side by side. In here, the boat owners just hang up all products they would like to sell.


From Ho Chi Minh City, with a ticket of 130,000 VND, you can take a 3-4 hour- coach to Can Tho.  Also, if you want to experience the feeling of freedom on the high road, you can travel by motorcycle.

From the center of Can Tho you take a taxi or motorcycle to Cai Rang pier, then rent a boat to visit the floating market. Ticket prices range from 60,000 to 150,000 VND per person.

The busy market in the morning. Photo by: An Nhon


The ideal time to visit the market is from 6 a.m to 8 a.m in the morning, except for the 1st and 2nd of the Lunar New Year and the Dragon Boat Festival on the lunar May 5th.

In order to enjoy the sunrise and bustling activities on the river while people trading goods, you may try to go there early at 5 a.m.


There are many motels, hotels in Can Tho with prices varying from the economy to luxury style. Depending on your budget, you may find a suitable room for yourself. The price for a two-star hotel room is from 350,000 for one night.

The boat is fully loaded of goods, mostly fruits and produces, hanging on “cay beo”-a pole on which people hang what they sell for advertisement. Photo by: An Nhon

Foods and drinks

For breakfast, you can enjoy the specialties such as crab noodles, fish noodles, rice noodles or pig’s tripe porridge on the moving boats with laid seats. It is very interesting to sway on the water ripples while sipping an extra cup of coffee of about 15,000 VND, and immersing yourselves in the sweet and serene melody of Vong Co (Vietnamese traditional music).

Also, while sitting on the boats and on your way strolling around the market, you are offered traditional cakes such as coconut leaf cake, “tet” cake, “pig skin” cake (a cake made of many layers), sponge cake ... or snacks like fried banana, boiled corn.

The peaceful view after the market closed. Photo by: Minh Phat


The floating market mainly sells agricultural products, including vegetables and fruits. The fruit is transported from the orchards quite early. You can buy some kilos of mango, milky apple, plum, durian, or jackfruit as a gift or simply have the traders prepare and enjoy them right on the boat

Note: The boat rent differs in a wide range, so you should consider and choose carefully to avoid buying too expensive tickets.

Sellers sell fruit here with slightly more expensive than in an ordinary market, partly due to the freshness and partly due to their selling their products to passers-by. You should also ask for the price and choose carefully before buying anything.

Source: VnExpress, Translated by Truong Thi Ngoc Diep

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