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Broiled mullet
Date: 03/07/2007

Gastronomes can select mullet at medium size to broil hence it is well done. The fish is covered with clay, then broiled by straw or dried wood until the clay cover is dried and split. Take off the cover with fish scales, you can see white flesh of fish. The mullet can be enjoyed with some raw vegetables and fish sauce, chilly, garlic, shrimp paste, or peppers and salt or ginger salt to make it more tasty. The dish is rather savoury with different tastes such as sweet of fish's flesh, bitter...

Gastronomes can select mullet at medium size to broil hence it is well done. The fish is covered with clay, then broiled by straw or dried wood until the clay cover is dried and split. Take off the cover with fish scales, you can see white flesh of fish. The mullet can be enjoyed with some raw vegetables and fish sauce, chilly, garlic, shrimp paste, or peppers and salt or ginger salt to make it more tasty. The dish is rather savoury with different tastes such as sweet of fish's flesh, bitter of broiled fish's skin, fat of fish's entrails to form characteristic flavour. Eat the dish with hands to see real taste of the rural lifestyle.

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