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Cultural Features in Vietnamese Calendar
Date: 07/01/2019

Tear-off calendar hung in each family not only helps people access to day and month, and arrange their daily activities but also fosters the culture, and decorates the owner’s home. Seizing that demand, manufacturers have made a wide range of beautiful Vietnamese calendars.
New Year Day’s sheet of “Luc Van Tien” calendar

An Hao Limited Liability Company is a pioneer in this field. Following the unexpected success of the 2018 "The Tale of Kieu" calendar, this year, the company continues to revive interests in the "Luc Van Tien" calendar. The calendar in turn extracts 2,080 six-eight verses in "Luc Van Tien" of poet Nguyen Dinh Chieu. They are divided into 365 extracts, each of which corresponds to a day of the year. Along with that, 365 paintings showing the content of each extract are exclusively drawn by artist Huu Hieu et al. “The source of the poem and the plot was from the version preferred by Vu Dinh Lien and Nguyen Sy Lam, which was also published by the Culture Publishing house in 1959 and re-published by the Literature Publishing House in 1997”, says Ms. Quach Thu Nguyet, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Book Street, consultant of content and draft calendar.

Another impressive calendar, “Spratly Islands in My Heart”, has been published by the Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House in association with Xuan Phuong Nam Calendar Company. The calendar is of the beauty and the information of 21 islands in Spratly Islands, which provides viewers with a comprehensive insight of the part of their home islands. These islands, platforms, and solder-and-civilian lives on the islands are vividly and fascinatingly presented. Some other calendars are also unique and well-sold, namely, “Saigon, Then and Now” of the Ho Chi Minh City General Publishing House; "365 Days of the Wise Eating and Plant Remedies", "365 Happy Days", "Flowers and Life Inspiration” of Van Lang Cultural Joint Stock Company; "Fragrance and Beauty of Vietnam" of Huong Trang Cultural Company, etc.

Not only is Vietnamese calendar innovated in content and printing techniques, but its design is also of high-quality. According to some experts in the printing industry, to print calendar, the most difficult and thorough techniques are necessary. Therefore, most of the manufacturers select the seven-color and streak line Metalize technology, 3D floating technology, etc. In addition, they also resolve the difficulties of tear-off calendar sheets, and prevent the sheets from getting edge-curved to ensure that the calendar is in good condition throughout a year.

Obviously, when its function is gradually shifted to the interior decoration product, calendar manufacturers have promptly responded. They not only make traditional designs as yellow apricot flowers, peach blossoms, Fortune – Prosperity – Longevity, but also diversify themes and formats, along with apply Vietnamese culture and identity to each sheet of the calendar. Certainly, although each manufacturer prefers a different approach, they all wish to provide their customers with a positive sense of inspiration.

Source: Can Tho News. Translated by Diep Truong

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