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Interesting village bike tour for foreign tourists
Date: 24/09/2019

Cycling on the cool country roads full of green trees is not a strange activity to foreign visitors when traveling to the Mekong Delta in general and Can Tho in particular. The cycling tour offer tourists unforgettable memories and different views on the lives of the locals.
Tourists are excited to join the bicycle tour. Photo: Hao Tran

Can Tho is one of the five centrally cities in Vietnam and is the hub of the whole Mekong Delta. Besides the bustle of a developing city, this place still retains its simplicity. With the immense network of rivers and canals, it is easy to encounter many poetic riverside roads lined with green coconut trees and some small production facilities of the locals. Those are the key elements to attract many visitors to the sightseeing tour on bike. Here are some famous destinations you can visit on an exciting bike tour in the outskirts of the city.

Visiting some famous handicraft companies and villages

What excites foreign tourists most is to see and experience the process of making handmade products from the locals such as the craft of making rice noodles, the trade of knitting with materials from bamboo or water hyacinth and the making of giant cement pots entirely by hand, etc. Coming here, tourists can enjoy the fresh air and the tranquility of a village without factories, noise or smoke. Moreover, the smile of the hardworking locals is truly a "special treat" that visitors from around the world really want to see.

Sau Hoai’s rice noodles factory. Photo:

Pagodas and village schools peacefully located by the river

Cycling on a quiet village road along the river, tourists can stop by some famous pagodas or communal houses to learn more about the spiritual culture and beliefs of the local people. As a sign of hospitality and friendliness, many pagodas invite tourist for lunch with vegetarian dishes. Moreover, tourists can also visit the classroom and interact with the children and teachers in some village schools. Even though the village school’s campus is extremely small, it always filled with students’ laughter. Here, guests find it interesting to learn about the curriculum and the daily activities of students.

Visitors are having lunch at a pogoda. Photo: Thien Thanh

Two tourists from Denmark are taking picture with some pupils at Thuong Thanh Primary School. Photo: Oanh Nguyen

Wooden boat trips

Speaking of the Western region, it is impossible not to mention the memorable wooden boat trips. If tourists do not want to take asphalt roads or concrete bridges, they can choose a boat trip for the cycling tour. Normally, the local people in some places will travel by wooden boat to shorten the trip. In addition to saving the time, this is also a new experience for those who wish to enjoy life in a land of many rivers and canals.

Two French tourists experience a boat ride on a bicycle tour. Photo: Thien Thanh

Nothing is better than cycling leisurely to contemplate the village scenery, while learning about the lives of the locals. This cycling tour is truly an unforgettable experience for foreign visitors.

Visitors leisurely cycle on the village road full of green bamboos. Photo: Trieu Trinh

Source: - Translated by Hoang Dat

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