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6th National Southern Lion Dance Contest 2019: Closing Ceremony
Date: 29/01/2019

After three exciting days, the 6th National Southern Lion Dance Contest organized by Can Tho City came to an end on the evening of 26th January, 2019.
Mr. Pham Van Luan, Deputy Director of Can Tho City Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, is awarding the top male winners of Mai Hoa Thung Event (a series of small circular poles).

In the closing night, outstanding performances in each event have been chosen for public performance, which draws a lot of locals’ attention and crowds of people have come to at Luu Huu Phuoc Park to watch.

With four gold medals, three silver and five bronze medals, Can Tho City's team wins the first prize. Binh Duong Province’s one came in second with one gold, one silver and two bronze medals. An Giang’s and Dong Thap’s teams, which respectively wins a gold and a bronze medal and a gold medal, shared the third position.

The contest closed with five best performances including two performances of the Southern Lion on Mai Hoa Thung, two performances of the Dragon Dance and a self-composed Southern Lion Dance.

Organizing Board’s representatives are awarding the female winners of Mai hoa thung event.

The organizers have awarded trophies and flags to the winning teams.

Source: Can Tho News. Translated by Diep Truong







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