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Opening “Spring in Rural Area” 2019 Program
Date: 23/01/2019

In the morning of January 21st 2019, the opening ceremony of "Spring in Rural Areas" 2019 Program occurs at Can Tho Museum. This practical activity aims to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Can Tho City to be under the central government as well as to "Celebrate the glorious Party and the year of Pig, 2019". Leaders of Can Tho City, representatives of departments, agencies in the city and a large number of visitors attend this opening ceremony.
Delegates cut the ribbon to open the program

"Spring in Rural Areas" 2019 introduces to visitors the typical tangible and intangible cultural heritages of Viet, Hoa, Khmer and Cham ethnic groups via presentations of calligraphy, traditional crafts, folk games, cuisine, etc.

Especially, "Water Puppet Art" is performed in the morning and evening of January 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2019. In addition, there are some distinctive traditional art performances of Viet, Hoa and Khmer ethnic groups, together with the Vietnamese traditional costume performances. Visitors hereby recall the images of the traditional Tet in rural areas, engage in the performance atmosphere and experience some interesting activities such as "talk to artisans", "practice as artisans", "play folk games", "learn to dance with artisans", etc.

"Spring in Rural Areas" 2019 adds a new aspect of people’s lives in the Mekong Delta in their preparation to welcome Lunar New Year 2019.

The program lasts from January 21st to 25th, 2019. In fact, the “Calligraphy performance" takes place from January 21st to February 9th, 2019 (i.e from lunar December 16th, the year of the Dog to lunar January 5th, the year of the Pig).

The below photos are taken at "Spring in Rural Areas" 2019:

Prawn cracker spreading

Traditional cake pavilion

Traditional crafts of Cham ethnic group

Calligraphy performance

Students and the game of stick pushing

Kim Xuyen - Translated by Diep Truong







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