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Elevate the specialties of Mekong Delta region
Date: 11/01/2019

With the desire to support enterprises and specialty production facilities in the Mekong Delta, Mekong Specialty Club (Mekong SP), directly under the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Can Tho (VCCI Can Tho) has supported the construction and promotion of many traditional and indigenous products of the Mekong Delta region to a large number of consumers over the last few years. In 2018, Mekong SP implemented the branding for 3 enterprises in the Club with the following contents: Design and standardize logos, design a brand identity package, Register a trademark for the designs of those enterprises above... In addition, businesses can participate in the common booth of the Club at the 4th Vietnam-Japan Cultural Exchange Festival. Moreover, members of the club can have the opportunities to exchange information and receive training in communication, branding, and online marketing, etc.

According to the Management Board of Mekong SP, the above results are not as expected. The club has 60 enterprises participating as official members with 3 main product groups: Handicrafts (ceramics, embroidery, knitting...); food (folk cakes, processed foods...) and natural products (rice, vegetables...). However, most of Mekong SP's members are small and medium enterprises. Moreover, their capacity and scale of production are still weak, not eligible to meet large orders and limited in brand promotion. Therefore, at the end of the 2018 member meeting recently, the issue of how to make the Mekong Delta products go further, present in modern shopping channels; develop and affirm the brand’s position ... continues to be set.

According to experts, to make the Mekong Delta specialties available for consumers, especially to enhance the value-added of this product line, it is necessary to link traditional handicraft village to tourism development. Mr. Doan Huu Duc, Chairman of Vietnam Consulting Co., Ltd. (VCG), member of Mekong SP Advisory Board, said: “The world has paid attention to the importance of indigenous resource economy. This is also a trend of humane and sustainable development because it respects natural characteristics and distinctive cultures. In terms of tourism, indigenous resources, traditional products will stir visitors' interest of exploring and discovering. The Mekong Delta region welcomes tens of thousands of visitors every year, because of its native resources and traditional products. So far, traditional villages have not paid attention to exploit these potential customers”. To be able to promote this sales channel well, production facilities must actively associate with travel companies to establish marketing programs for target destinations; create "interactive" channel via Facebook, YouTube, etc.

It is said that to win consumers' loves and attentions, the Mekong specialties need to have good quality, perfect designs and packaging. Particularly, food safety criteria should be the number one priority. Moreover, localities need to pay attention to visual communication; branding building for their typical products. “It is about forming another way of thinking and do not copy; we should consider connecting, integrating, nurturing resources as a way of survival. In addition, businesses and production facilities must always value the importance of innovation and creativity, we should be the "open source" to adapt new things and improve our skills to act consistently and strategically..."- Mr. Tran Hoang Tuyen, Deputy Director of the Business Studies and Assistance center (BSA) proposed.

Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Hoang Dat







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