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14 “Typical tourist destinations in the Mekong Delta in 2023” recognized and re-accredited
Date: 26/05/2023

The Mekong Delta Tourism Association has just recognized and re-accredited 14 typical tourist destinations in 7 localities of the Mekong Delta.

Accordingly, 10 new destinations have been recognized by the Mekong Delta Tourism Association as the “Typical Tourist Destinations in the Mekong Delta 2023,” including Tra Su cajuput forest (An Giang province); the Noc Nang national historical relic site (Bac Lieu province); the special national relic site and the memorial site of scholar Nguyen Dinh Chieu, the tourism site of Hai Van farm tourism site - Vam Ho bird sanctuary, the Ben Tre TTC Palace, and the Ben Tre TTC culinary site (Ben Tre province); the Hung Kings Temple (Can Tho city); the Go Thap relic site (Dong Thap province); and the national landscape and relic site of Ba Om Pond; and the Huynh Kha ecotourism site (Tra Vinh province). Four destinations have been re-recognized, namely the Gao Gieng Ecotourism Area (Dong Thap); Professor – Academician Tran Dai Nghia Memorial Site; Van Thanh Mieu in Vinh Long, and Vinh Long Museum, all located in Vinh Long province.

So far, 53 tourist attractions across the Mekong Delta have been recognized as typical ones of the region.

It is known that the “Typical Tourist Destinations in the Mekong Delta” are surveyed and voted based on criteria for each category, including comprehensive tourist destinations, cultural and historical relics, public works, architectural works of art, national parks, ecological gardens, ecotourism areas, accommodation facilities, and traditional craft establishments serving tourism. The destinations are surveyed and voted on every 3 years.

Mr. Tran Viet Phuong, Chairman of the Mekong Delta Tourism Association, said: “The recognition of the “Typical Tourist Destinations in the Mekong Delta” helps tourists conveniently choose safe, friendly, and high-quality destinations, contributing positively to the development of the region’s tourism brand. These destinations must continuously develop in terms of quantity and quality, focusing on building new tourism products and renovating existing ones to meet the demands of visitors. Therefore, we will continue to promote and introduce the purpose and importance of the development and conservation of “Typical Tourist Destinations in the Mekong Delta” to people and tourists. We will also diversify promotion strategies such as promoting the Mekong Delta tourist spots on the mass media or social networks; organizing free tours; participating in tourism fairs, etc.”

Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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