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Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 international event is about to take place in Can Tho
Date: 19/06/2022

As planned, the international event Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 on the theme “Synchronous mechanization towards sustainable agriculture”, chaired by the National Center for Agricultural Extension (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the German Agricultural Society (DLG) will be held from August 24th to 26th in Can Tho city.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, said it was the biggest and only event ever held in Can Tho.

On June 13th, in Can Tho city, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Van Nam and Vice Chairman of Can Tho city People's Committee Nguyen Ngoc He chaired a meeting with the National Center for Agricultural Extension, Mekong Delta Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Coordination, Mekong Delta Rice Institute and related units to discuss the deployment plan of Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 international event.

During the meeting, the National Center for Agricultural Extension presented an overview of the main activities of Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 and side events, including international seminars to promote the technology and practice of synchronous and sustainable mechanization. The plan also proposes specific tasks of the agencies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development concerning the organizing committee and the requirements supported by DLG and IRRI.

According to Mr. Le Quoc Thanh, Director of the National Agricultural Extension Center, it is a major and important international event of the agriculture and rural development sector in 2022 to promote the application of mechanization and agriculture to transform sustainable agricultural production and at the same time contribute to transforming the thinking of agricultural production into an agricultural economy in Vietnam.

The main activities of the event include the demonstration in the field of models of good practices in rice production (smart rice cultivation model; zero-footprint field model…) in combination with the organization of practical introduction seminars on the technology; display, exhibit, and introduce synchronous mechanized technology, machinery, and equipment; demonstrate technology, use advanced and modern machinery and equipment applied to sustainable agricultural production; international scientific conferences, satellite conferences, field seminars, etc.

Mr. Le Quoc Thanh, Director of the National Agricultural Extension Center, presented the plan of the event.

According to Mr. Le Quoc Thanh, the Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 international event is expected to attract hundreds of international and domestic companies and organizations to participate in technology demonstrations and exhibitions; providing thousands of farmers with the opportunity to access modern and sustainable agricultural technologies, equipment and models.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, also affirmed that holding Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 in Can Tho city is considered an important and unique event in Can Tho city. The event includes both an exhibition of agricultural machinery and a practical demonstration in the field; farmers have direct contact with advanced and modern equipment for sustainable agricultural production. Vice-Chairman Nguyen Ngoc He suggested that organizers should create conditions for farmers to demonstrate homemade machines at the event. At the same time, the organizing committee plans to open more exhibition areas for OCOP products in provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region during the event. Can Tho city will actively coordinate and create all favorable conditions for the event to be successfully held in Can Tho city.

At the working session

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Van Nam said that it is an event and a very good opportunity to promote synchronous mechanization in Vietnam in general and in the Mekong Delta in particular. Many people in the Mekong Delta are also looking forward to this event. In order for the event to go as planned, Deputy Minister Tran Van Nam proposed to the National Agricultural Extension Center to immediately set up advisory and assistance sub-committees; hold a press conference to announce the event, and call on domestic companies to participate. In addition, the National Agricultural Extension Center should work actively with IRRI and DLG to agree on an implementation plan…

Source: Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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