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Deployment of Solutions to Support Retail Fuel Businesses in Implementing Electronic Invoicing for Each Sale.
Date: 19/05/2024

On the afternoon of March 12th, the Department of Science and Technology of Can Tho City organized a conference to deploy solutions supporting retail fuel businesses in Can Tho City to issue electronic invoices for each sale, as directed by the Prime Minister. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City, attended the conference and delivered directives.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City delivered directives.

According to statistics, the city currently has 268 retail fuel stores in 9 districts and towns, with a total of 1,017 fuel pumps. Promoting the use of electronic invoices for each sale and connecting data with tax authorities contributes positively to the digital transformation effort, prevents revenue loss, combats illegal invoice trading, tax evasion, and increases state budget revenue. This is an essential task that needs to be implemented in a synchronized manner. To effectively implement this task, it requires strict and synchronized management from relevant departments and agencies, avoiding functional overlap, and providing timely support to address difficulties faced by fuel businesses in complying with legal regulations in the field of business and tax obligations to the state.

During the conference, delegates discussed and proposed solutions to implement the connection of electronic invoice printing after each sale, as well as provided technical support guidelines for fuel pumps after being connected to devices. Representatives from consulting and installation units introduced electronic invoice issuing devices and shared their valuable experiences with the equipment.

In his directive at the conference, Vice Chairman Nguyen Ngoc He assigned the Department of Science and Technology to urgently mobilize resources to implement the installation of devices connected to fuel pumps to collect data for each refueling, and support businesses in submitting data to tax authorities as required. In parallel, strengthening inspection, supervision, and timely detection and handling of violations or intentional non-compliance with the issuance of electronic invoices for each sale in the electronic connection of fuel retail activities with tax authorities in the city.

Additionally, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He requested close coordination between retail fuel businesses, the Department of Science and Technology, the City Tax Department, and relevant departments to promptly install devices and issue electronic invoices for each sale in accordance with tax regulations and ensure compliance with measurement regulations as required by the law. 

Kim Xuyen – Translated by Chi Nguyen







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